O:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN <i>example:</i> 2:25-cv-00089 500 Poydras Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 ECF_Registration&#064;laed.uscourts.gov 8:30AM - 5:00PM, M-F Eastern District of Louisiana ECF Helpdesk: (504)589-7788 or toll free: (866)209-7767 500 2000E 2000E 2255 Motion to Vacate AOFORM AOFORM APPEAL Appeal APPLE Apple ARCHIVE Archived ASBEST Asbestos BELO Back-end Litigation Option BKCY Bankruptcy BUNDLED With Bundled Complaints CASE_SEAL_REVIEWED Case Seal Reviewed CLASS Class Action Granted CLASS_REQUESTED Class Action Requested CLOSED Case Closed CONMAG Consent to trial before Magistrate CONSOL Consolidated CR_SEVER CR_SEVER CVB CVB DNSW Delayed-Notice Search Warrant DOF Disputed Ownership Fund DRYWALL Drywall ECON_CLAIM Economic Claim Appeal FORCED_PLACE FORCED PLACE FR/R Report and Recommendation FRANCKS Francks Lab IDA_CMO Hurricane Ida Case Management Order IDA_OPT-IN IDA OPT-IN to the Streamlined Settlement Program INTAPP Interlocutory Appeal INTERPRETER Interpreter MASTER Master MED_CLAIM Medical Claim Appeal MISD Misdemeanor MULTI Multi Defendant MULTIPLE_CVB_VIOLATIONS Multiple CVB Violations OIL_SPILL Oil Spill OTHASB Other Asbestos P/O Petty Offense POOL Pool PROPULSID Propulsid PROSE ProSe PROTO Protective Order REFER Referred REMAND Remanded REOPEN Reopened SEVERED Severed Case SEVERED_CLAIM Severed Claim SINGLE Single Defendant SPMAST Special Master STAYED Case Stayed STAYEX Stay of Execution SUPERS Superseding Indictment SW Search Warrant TAXOTERE Taxotere TAXOTERE_EYE Taxotere (Docetaxel) Eye Injury TRAILER Trailer TRANSFER Transferred UNMATCHED_MANF Unmatched Manufacturer VIOXX Vioxx VIOXXPOST_11.09 Vioxx Post 11/09/2007 W/HOLD_SUMMONS Withhold Summons XARELTO Xarelto 3/1/2005 Eastern District of Louisiana
500 Poydras Street, New Orleans, LA 70130
ECF_Registration&#064;laed.uscourts.gov 8:30AM - 5:00PM, M-F ECF Helpdesk: (504)589-7788 or toll free: (866)209-7767
500 MB 200 MB PACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549 pacer@psc.uscourts.gov (800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area <2>New Orleans NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.8 (Revision 1.8.2)